We offer housing to students coming to Østfold University College. You can choose to live alone, with a partner or in your own room in a shared unit. We don’t offer any homes for families. There are no application deadlines, but remember that your application is only active for 60 days. After 60 days, if you still want housing, you have to activate your application in UniAlltid.
You can apply for housing year round!
How do I apply for housing?
1. Create a profile on
siost.unialltid.no and submit your application for the type of residential unit you want.
2. Once you have been allocated a unit, you will receive a text message or email with further information. It is important that your phone number and email address are always current.
3. Log in to your profile on
siost.unialltid.no and digitally sign the contract using BankID or upload a signed version.
Download our
Android or
iPhone app to make it easier to apply for/accept/reject units.
We start assigning contracts for the autumn in May and continue assigning them until it's full. For students starting in January, we start assigning contracts in the middle of November. Other applications are handled on an ongoing basis.
SiØ uses one-year contracts (1 August – 30 June). You will be offered a new contract for the next academic year in the middle of the spring semester, around Easter.