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Student and need for adaptations?
Students with disabilities can apply for special needs adaptations with respect to their studies and exams. The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) can also provide extra study support to students who, because of a disability, cannot work alongside studying or who will take longer. You can find information about extra study support from Lånekassen here.
During your studies it may find it useful to have an additional supporter and person to talk to. Advice & Health’s special education adviser has long experience and great expertise in both the university college and various support and assistance schemes.
For example, they can do the following:
- Analyse reading and writing difficulties and dyslexia. The report can be used as expert documentation in applications.
- Make recommendations concerning special exam arrangements and provide information about various special needs adaptation measures.
- Provide information about aids and software that can be of help with respect to reading and writing difficulties.
- Assist with applying to borrow IT equipment and other aids from NAV’s Department of Assistive Technology.
- Provide information about the Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille (NLB) and apply for audiobooks.
- Arrange courses in study techniques and IT assistive technology for people with reading and writing difficulties, and provide individual guidance.
- Arrange courses and individual guidance on organising and structuring.
- Provide advice on your overall study and life situation.
- Arrange supportive chats and be a ‘supporter’ for individual students.
- Be a partner for university college staff.
Østfold University College’s web pages contain a lot of useful information in the student manual.
Please especially note:
- Information about special exam arrangements at Østfold University College
- Section 11 on special needs adaptations in the Regulations for Examinations and Admission to Programmes
- Application form for special needs adaptations at Østfold University College
NB! The deadline for special exam arrangements is 15 September in the autumn semester and 1 March for exams in the spring semester.
A contact person in each faculty is responsible for following up students with disabilities. If you are a new student and require special needs adaptations, we recommend that you contact them as early as possible to inform them.
If you are unsure about the special needs adaptation the university college can offer, you are welcome to contact one of us at SiØ Advice & Health or the contact person in your faculty. We will be happy to help!